Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 16 - A Song That Makes You Cry (or nearly)

To this day, it's still hard for me to listen to this song without getting upset and teary-eyed...the first couple of cords make me get this feeling of "Oh, Mom. I miss you'. In fact, I was stupid enough to listen to it as I was posting this..totally not wise.

It actually came out right around the time when my Mom passed away.. I just remember the day she passed away... my Dad sent me to the mall to pick out some clothes for the funeral and when I turned the car on, that song came on. Complete train wreck, I tells ya. The weird thing is, my Dad has the same response to this song when he hears it....I only found out cause we were randomly talking about songs and he said this was the one song that gets to him. Who knew...