Friday, December 24, 2010

Nerdtastically Apocalyptic Christmas

As I was editing the pictures for this blog, I came to terms with how nerdy my family really is.

Last year, I got Eric a Kindle from and he LOVES it. Comes in handy because he's very into reading and it cuts down on him having te physical book. I know you're probably thinking "Why does it matter if he has the physical book?"...well, since we're military peeps, whenever we move, we have a weight limit. When it was time for us to move here, ALOT of the weight was due to books between mine and Eric's collection (mainly his), in which we ended up putting the majority in storage. Since we've been her, Eric has slowly started collecting even more books.. so,the Kindle has put a stop to that.

Now John has the reading bug. Le sigh. It's fabulous that he's into reading and expanding his imagination....I'm all for it! I'm just not up for the hoards of books that are starting to pile up. So, Eric and I did some talking and we figured out that we should get John a Kindle for Christmas. He'd definitely benefit from it considering he blows through books pretty fast, not to mention, most of the books he ends up wanting have to be ordered online since the bookstore we normally haunt at the "local" base doesn't have the best selection.

We ended up getting him the Wi-Fi capible Kindle ( the one for $139 ) in Graphite. So, he should be able to download books freely at home with the gift card we got him, without assaulting our Amazon account.

Funny thing is, I guess before Eric and I decided on getting him the Kindle, Eric actually ordered a few books for him. So, it looked rather silly that John opened up actual books, then he gets an electronic book reader, lol. Oh well...I guess he'll be able to take the books with him to school and such since he won't be allowed to take the Kindle with him. In addition to the Kindle, I ended up getting him a pretty cool little case for it in his favorite color, which is red.

Eric is insanely hard to shop for, aside from the German pottery we just picked up from him. Most of the time with any guy, you can buy them tools, video games, movies, or whatever makes 'em tick and they'd be a happy camper. It doesn't work like that with my husband. He has this knack of buying himself stuff when he wants it (within reason) to where it doesn't really leave anything left to get as a gift. This happens during our anniversary, his birthday and Christmas. VERY frustrating! So, his coworkers helped me out and kept their ears open in case he mentioned anything at work in terms of what he'd be interested for Christmas. Turns out, he was really wanting to get "The Walking Dead" comic book series, which is what the TV show was based off of. After doing a little bit of research, I found the whole collection and they got here in time:

The Compendium One has the first eight comic books in it, a lovely total of 1,044 pages of cartoons. Then I managed to get editions nine through thirteen individually since they weren't conveniently bundled in a Compendium Two or anything.

Last but not least, there's me. Eric got me a white Kindle 3G with Wi-Fi :) It's still in the mail, but at least I know it's on it's way here!

A pretty simple Christmas, but it works for us.

PS: In case you didn't seems like the main theme for this years Christmas gifts were zombies / apocalyptic scenarios and electronics. Go figure!