Thursday, December 9, 2010

Day 22 - A Website

If you asked my husband what kind of stuff I like, he'd instantly say "the expensive kind". It's not like I intentionally find things that cost a lot of money, I just like things that look cool / unique, which usually end up being somewhat pricey. * sigh *

I was doing some window shopping online cause I'm interested in getting some art pieces for our house that reflects "us", as in our family. I like things to look older / renaissance-like.. ornate... pretty much anything within that guideline. Well... I found an artist that has just the type of stuff I'm looking for. His name is Sid Dickens.  He makes "memory tiles" of all various designs and you can get different ones to suit your style, then hang them up in groups:

When you look around the site, you can actually use an interactive part to figure out which ones you might like with your wall color behind the tiles. VERY cool and oh so dangerous for me! After doing some picking, moving around and changing colors of the wall.. I figured out which ones I'd want for us. Thing is, these tiles run, roughly, $90-$100 a piece. Sooooo if I'm wanting to start picking these pieces up, I'll have to do it once in a blue moon and possibly ask Eric for one as an anniversary / birthday / Christmas present, lol.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the post!! It's always great to hear from new aspiring collectors. Stay tuned in the New Year for my new website, complete with an updated and improved interactive page.
Sid Dickens Team