Saturday, December 18, 2010

Day 27 - My Worst Habit

LOL...this is fitting due to my last post..

I'm VERY forgetful. It's to the point where it feels like my memory gets wiped out or "reset" at the beginning of every week. I have a very very hard time remembering things, especially stuff that's over a month old or when it comes to setting something down and not finding it. I drive Eric NUTS because I always lose my sunglasses, keys, misplace my phone, wallet...purse.... you name it, I've lost it. It'll take me quite a while to find it on my own, so he usually goes on the goose hunt and finds 'em pretty quickly. LOL. 

My office has tons and tons of sticky notes to remind me of stuff I gotta take care of, conversations I've had (bullet points), appointments, projects...pretty much anything you can think of considering I need reminders (all color coded). At least I'm making the effort to remind myself of stuff instead of completely forgetting everything! Ha!