Saturday, December 4, 2010

Part Duex of CC Cookies

As you read from yesterdays post, I had made some Cream Cheese Cookies for a party that we're attending later tonight. Eric got a little grumpy that I made, literally, just enough for the party and none for us since I wasn't wanting to temp the "Expanding Waist Fairy". That fairy is rather unforgiving when it comes to being naughty and making my clothes fit tighter...not a fan of it. 

Well, after enough heavy sighing and whimpering on his part, I finally made some more. This time, I rolled out the dough and cut out some stars since I gave the option to Eric between: Cookie Press, Reindeer cutter, Tree cutter or Star won. And, the cookies needed to be red, lol.

 Follow the same recipe I posted from the last entry, but if you're wanting to make cut out'll need to flour the counter top and rub flour on your rolling pin. I usually knead more flour into the dough so it won't be as tacky when I'm trying to roll everything out / scrape it off of the counter to put on the stoneware.

 When doing cut out cookies with this type of dough, you really need to be patient. Sometimes it'll like to rip when you're trying to take it from the counter to the stoneware piece. Just be gentle with it!

 As you can see, one of the cookies isn't happy about his current situation. He knows he's gonna get shoved into a hot box, then eaten. Can't say I blame him. 

 Once all the cookies were hammered out and cooled down, I made a batch of Coconut Frosting (same recipe from the previous post) but with a splash more coconut extract. Eric is a glutton for it like a moth to a flame! So, I slathered it on the cookies..let 'em dry..and tah-dah! All donesies!