Thursday, December 23, 2010

Stateside Goodies!

A friend of mine, Stefanie, sent me some presents! I think it's because I sent her some Belgian goodies earlier last month. Yay for presents! Maybe I should make it a habit to mail stuff off to people more often, ha!

I got ahold of her just in case I was supposed to wait till Christmas to open stuff up since they were wrapped up, but she said to go ahead an open 'em up! Good, cause I suck at waiting :)

Some really cute signs for my house! The top one is rather fitting for my Dad back in California since that seems to be the rule : Dad says stuff and we don' listen. Then the shoe sign is cute cause I think we're gonna make it a point to kick off our shoes and stop dragging dirt all over the house. Living in the country has it's benefits, but one of the major drawbacks is the constant dirt that sticks to our feet! The "Life is Short" sign...very fitting. I think if we could get away with it, we'd always eat dessert and nothing else...especially cookies :)

Then there's a sarcastic mug (thanks, lol) and a cute bamboo spoon in the shape of a heart :)


Thanks for the goodies, Stef! They're already hangin' around the house :D


Kaysie said...

I love those signs!

Unknown said...

Yay Im so glad you like them....kinda makes me a bitty bit sad that you think I sent stuff cause you sent me dorkis!!!