Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day 30 - Car You Drive ( and past cars too!)

The current four wheeled love of my life is a 2006 Nissan Xterra! Her name is "Big Blue" and I got her October 4th, 2006. Yes, I remember exactly when I got her cause I bought her exactly a month before my birthday :) By far the best investment I've ever made and HIGHLY recommend an Xterra! Before I got her, she used to be an Enterprise rental car (very well taken care of), and I ended up getting her for a steal of a deal (she was all tricked out before I got my paws on her, thanks Enterprise!) and she's all paid in full. Decent gas mileage, has nice amount of "umpff" when you need speed up hills and mountainsides, plenty of cargo space, NEVER have had a problem with it... ahh I can go on and on. I seriously love this SUV and I'm positive Eric and I will be getting a second one whenever we go back to the States. 

By the way... the following photos are all pictures I searched for on the internet since I really don't feel like going out and taking pictures of my snow covered Xterra, and I don't have pictures of my old cars. Sorry!

Before Big Blue, I had a 1999 white VW Beetle named Scooter. I guess you can say it was a typical young college person type of car. When I first got her, I was absolutely in love (otherwise, why get it?), but after a while.. she started to lose her cuteness. The O2 sensors always went out ($400 each time that happened), the AC would die (usually during blistering hot days), the cruise control was very glitchy (and scary at times), she wouldn't want to start when I had important things to go to (ohhh like work, appointments, etc), the powered windows wouldn't want to roll down, and the gas mileage sucked. Volkswagens customer service wasn't stellar, which was VERY frustrating considering how much it cost to get the diagnostics done (it was required each time there was something wrong) that was one of the deciding factors to get rid of Scooter.  I got her in 2002 and she went bye bye in 2006, lol.

Last but not least, there was Margie. She was my 1967 VW Bug. I actually inherited her from my Grandpa when I was fourteen, but obviously wasn't old enough to drive just yet. So, when I got my drivers license, her keys were handed over to me and she was my pimp ride from age sixteen to twenty..or twenty one. I don't remember. Feels so long ago, LOL. Margie was a great lil' car, despite being an oldie.. she got me around, was very reliable aside from the usual tune up here and there.. my Dad had installed a CD player and bitchin' speakers so I didn't get stuck with just an AM radio. Once I got my paws on Scooter, my Dad ended up holding onto Margie for a while, but ended up selling her about three-ish years ago to an ex-boyfriend of mine who is a VW enthusiast.