Monday, December 6, 2010

Fa Rah Rah Rah Rah, Rah Rah Rah Rah!

Ok, so Eric and I went to this ugly sweater party...and it was hilarious! Prior to us attending, we adorned our fugly, and I mean FUGLY... Christmas fueled tops to get a good laugh at ourselves. Eric's top is actually a woman's sweatshirt that looks (and smells) like it's from the 80's...and the smell wouldn't go away despite washing it extensively. Mine makes me feel like I'm 10x fatter than I already am, so it's NOT flattering at all! Perfect attire for the party.

Took some cute pictures together..awwww...

I kept playing around on Picnik, lol

Oh..and it's also a White Elephant party....  *snicker* ...being that I used to work for a sex toy company back in California, I had the hook up with free goodies / samples. There's tons of stuff we never used which we happened to have brought over here with us, so we figured some of 'em would be useful as White Elephant gifts :)

The gift that Eric submitted :

The gift I submitted (I bundled them together):

(A Pocket Rocket)

Our innocent presents wrapped up nicely: 

Here's some pictures from throughout the night. In all honesty, that's the most fun I've had in a VERY long time :) 

 The Josie & The Rudy

Their dog, Sammy! She's such a lovey!

Myself, Dana, Shay and Josie

Josie testing out the jello shots to make sure they were safe for everyone

The following pics are from a game that Josie had us do. The point was to put 8 filled balloons (4 in each leg) in a stocking and put it on your's supposed to look like reindeer antlers, lol.

Eric's team actually won! 

My team was strugglin! We blew up our balloons too big :(

Dana laughing at Leahs "big" red balls:

Still strugglin!

Antler love!

Looks like tumors!

Our completed antlers! 

Josies face is priceless while it looks like Kisker is admiring Bobbys handywork:

Shannon wanted in on the antler love!

All the guys and all the gals:

Shay showing her Christmas thugnificense:

I don't even know what to tell you...LOL....

Dana and Getfa were tied for "ugliest sweater" for the gals, so they were required to do a dance off! Getfa won..hahaaa

The two guys that were tied for mens "ugliest sweater".

Oh, and of course the White Elephant exchange happened. There were some HILARIOUS gifts...I think this guy got the worst, if not second worst gift.

Porcelain cats...the kind you'd see in an old lady's house.

The other bad gift for the night was a clown puppet with the strings on was CREEPY!Luckily, we didn't end up with any thing bad (hahaa!):

Josie had the gals search for hidden gifts in the Christmas tree she had in the living room; I ended up finding lemon scented lotion:

Some pink bubbly (I think) from when Eric's team won the reindeer antler game:

The gift I picked from the exchange: German Christmas Tea with reindeer mug

The gift Eric picked from the exchange..he actually ended up stealing this from someone, so they had to go pick out another gift from the tree:  A goodie basket from our favorite store in Aachen ( Oil & Vinegar ). It's got a bruschetta mix, snack crackers and an old fashioned oil bottle that has the basket weave on the bottom of it.

All in all, we had a BLAST! Now I gotta resell the ugly sweaters on eBay and hope someone will want 'em cause we're sure not keepin' them!


Team Hayes said...

Wow, I'd say you guys did quite well for yourselves! Bringing gag stuff and walking out with a couple of nice gifts! I feel badly for the guy with the porcelain cats! Haha. Also, I don't think your sweater qualifies as ugly. I actually think it is pretty cute! I'm hosting an ugly sweater ice skating party next weekend. I got prizes for the person who falls the most times, who wears the ugliest sweater, and who wears the best looking (not so ugly) sweater. You would have won some some holiday pez for your non-efforts. :)

Erika said...

I think mine was ugly cause I would never have picked it, otherwise. To each their own.