Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sew Me Something

Actually, the website is by a gal named Rebekah. I personally don't know the her, but I've bought a few items from her and LOVE the products she makes. I learned about her through some other gals who have purchased their purses from her (all military girlfriends / spouses). I prefer buying from home businesses to support the individual and their talent, in addition to buying from someone who supports the military (her husband is a former Marine) :)

My first purchase through her was an ABU purse which has our family nickname on it, a Air Force symbol and the lining is a nice hot pink color..I got this back in late April / early May. EXCELLENT quality! Truth be told, I'm pretty rough on my purses and this thing has taken a beating and STILL looks great! I was on a waiting list for about twelve weeks, which wasn't really all that bad since I had other things going on. By the time it showed up, it was a nice surprise since I had completely forgotten about it (opps!).  I've received loads and loads of compliments on my bag since I've had it even though I can only use it on base (by living overseas, we're not allowed to openly show that we're US military).

A picture of my purse (it's a diaper bag, I got it big cause I carry a ton of stuff with me!)

The second piece from her I ordered was actually a new collar for Izzy. For those of you who don't know who she is, Izzy is my petite chocolate and tan Dachshund that Eric got for me as a Valentines Day present when we first started dating (awww). She's a lil princess and constantly NEEDS attention, loves dressing up (seriously) and is a total baby. A collar I bought her about two and a half years ago finally bit the dust (her neck has gotten too waddly) so it was time to replace it. I hopped on Rebekah's site and saw that she actually made collars! Not only that, but she has two weenie dogs of her own (awesome!). So, after looking through the tons of fabric choices she has, I figured out which print would look best on The Izzy and placed the order. It took about...hmmmmm...4 weeks? I think? I dunno, I lost track due to the hectic month. It showed up in the mail yesterday and Izzy (and I) did a happy dance! 

I'm extremely pleased with how it turned out! Izzy's crackin' me up because she's struttin' around the house since she KNOWS she has some new clothes on. I just placed another order for a collar, but that one will be for Macie since her collar needs replacing. In addition to that, I ordered two dog beds (30x40 measurement) for $10 a piece..NOT BAD!  I'm excited! One is the same pattern as Izzys collar and the other has weenie dogs all over it. Cuteness to the max! 

All in all, I HIGHLY recommend this gal. Great customer service and always gets back to you within the day if you hit her up on Facebook. Her stuff is made with fantastic quality and care AND she doesn't just make Military print stuff. I've seen many many other home businesses that do this type of stuff, but to be honest (and not biased), her's is by far the best quality you can get for your money. TRUST ME! I'm a stickler for quality and I completely trust this gal with the stuff I order!!

Oh, and I ordered  Kindle cover from her, so once that arrives, I'll update this post and a picture of it  :) 


Aimee said...

That's such a cute collar!