Monday, August 24, 2009

Monday Monday Monday

Today was a lazy kinda day.. well..atleast that's how it's been feelin' to me.

John went back to school TODAY! YIPPY! HOORAY!! LOL.. I love him to pieces and all, but I was MORE than ready for him to get back to it. Besides, a Mercedes gets to pick him up every day. Nice, hunh? There's only 5 kids (total) that ride that to get to his school, which is an hour away. From the sounds of it, he likes his classes and the kids seem pretty cool...then again, it IS the first day of school and things normally look good from the get go, lol.

He's not the only one going back to school!

I was able to pick up my College Math books today from base... freakin' A. My class starts tomorrow and I'm pretty much not looking forward to it, lol. I'm NOT a fan of Math, AT ALL. Atleast the class is only 2 days out of the week, but the classes are 3 hours long... that's freaking toture to me! BLAH! Then on next Monday, I offcially start my Intro to Business class, which is online only. I'm stoked about that one (atleast) since I'll have the house to myself and I'll be able to study during the day :)

Other than that, not a whole lot is going on. Well, I'm completely addicted to "True Blood", which is on HBO. It's actually got a good story line, aside from massive sex scenes, lol. I already blew through season 1 without a problem.. now I'm online watching season 2. I'm SO annoyed that there's 2 espisodes for season 2 that I can't fine to what. I guess that gives me incentive to get it on DVD once it's out :)


kimberly flower said...

Which episodes do you need? I most likely have them downloaded already...let me know!

Erika said...

Season 2, episode 5
Season 2, episode 6

I was SO pissed on Sunday cause Eric bought the first season for me through our BX in Germany.. so it's straight out of the box and disc 4 is SO scratched that it won't read! I ended up going online to find those particular episodes and got to see 'em, but still.. HBO shows are NOT cheap to buy!