Saturday, August 22, 2009


My hubba bubba turned the big 3-2 today! As much as I wanna tease him and joke about how old he is, he's such a huge kid at heart :)

I ordered a birthday cake for him from a friend of mine.. the cake is UH-FREAKING-BELIEVABLE!! It's essentially diabetes in a slice, lol. Eric was talking about wanting a Mississippi Mud cake for his birthday.. and luckily enough, Shay knows how to make 'em! I picked it up from her yesterday and Eric knows he's not allowed to touch it till it's OFFICIALLY his birthday.
Know what the booger did? He stayed up till midnight to have a slice! Once the clock struck 12, he got the cake out of the fridge and sliced it up. By the time he was done enhaling it, it was 12:03a.. I kid you not!

Eric talking dirty to the cake...hehehe

It's so heavenly, it floats!
Chocolate Ganash (?), Marshmellow, Brownie and Fudge!

Since it's his birthday, he actually got to sleep in till almost 11 o'clock today :) The poor guy always has to get up early, even on the weekend. So, letting him sleep in was the least I could do! I worked on the house to get it all organized and cleaned up since we were expecting some company later on tonight.
For his birthday dinner, we went over to Maaseik and ate over at "Sweet Name of Jesus" since he absolutely loves their ribs. I think he managed to polish off 6 racks of ribs! I'm honestly surprised that he doesnt put that place out of business with as much as he eats :)
On that note, time to spend some more time with him..