Tuesday, January 12, 2010

It's only Tuesday...

Man...I swore it was Friday...it totally feels like it to me..lol. Wishful thinking, right? Here's my workout stats...now I'm gonna finishing watching the current episode of "United States of Tara" with Eric then roll off to bed. I HIGHLY reccommend this show, by the way! It's hilarious!

Morning Workout:
Elliptical - 1.25 miles, 15:13 minutes and burned 169 calories

Ab machine - 25x 5 , 40lb
Low back extension - 25x 2 , 60lbs
Horizontal leg press - 12x 5 ,55lb
Rear deltoid - 12x4, 30lbs
Arm extension - 12x 4 , 20lbs
Elliptical - 1 mile, 12:18 minutes and burned 137 calories

Evening Workout:
Elliptical - 2 miles, 25:42 minutes and burned 282 calories


KymmieB said...

I thought it was friday too :(:(
how unfortunate lol