Saturday, January 23, 2010

March 15, 2006 - Wednesday

So yesterday was my day off...and it was desperately needed. I've been working non-stop since God knows when and I've literally have run myself down. I was sitting here and randomly came to the decision that I'm going to Salinas & Monterey. I emailed my momma givin' her a heads up and off I went.

I love how my mom is... when I come into her office, she gets SUPER perky and friendly...parades me around the office because of my weight loss, then for the next hour I answer everyone's questions about Gastric Bypass. Normally, I don't mind talking about it...but I was goddamn tired and just wanted to talk to my mom. Afterwards, we headed to Monterey since I NEEDED new clothes. I was used to wearing size 26 I'm fitting comfortably into 14's. My mom being totally awesome bought me some new tank tops...which I normally wouldn't wear because of my arms...I totally rock now. Now if the weather would pull it's head out of it's'd be all good in the hood.
Went over to Macy's and saw Rose and Merl...who ended up screaming when they saw me. Kinda scared the hell out of me because they came up from behind me and did it...
Here's the odd thing about losing all this weight....I don't PHYSICALLY see a difference in myself..I only feel a difference with my clothes & the fact that they're getting too big for me. So when someone screams " OH MY GOD, LOOK AT YOU!!!"... I honestly think they're crazy. I know they're complimenting me and such, but it's just not registering in my head as a compliment, sounds weird....but it's me. my dad is having surgery on April 3rd...and I'm not looking forward to it. Why's that you ask? It's because he's having some bones removed from his foot since there's an infection in several of them. The thing that makes is worse is that he's if something happens to go wrong in surgery and the infection gets worse, there's a possibility he could have his foot amputated. It's just a lot of stress to have something like that happen to him..... I hope he'll turn out ok. Actually, I know he will...he's my dad!