Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Phoning This In...

I didn't have a chance to blog yesterday, so here ya go:

My hurricanes and brass holders arrived from Partylite..I guess I was expecting the glass to be a lil..uhh..thicker? I dunno.. they seem a lil thin to me, atleast on the top part. Meh, whatever. They're in the front of the house now, but I still gotta find something to put in it (like where the little green things are in the picture) and find some candles for it. I didn't really feel like paying $20 something bucks for a single candle through Partylite. Actually, I'm a lil' annoyed that I paid $50 a pop (I bought two) for the hurricanes as is...sigh.

I finally found some time to whip out my Auntys birthday card. Here's the finished product:

The outside of the card says "Birthdays are good for you...", then the inside says ,"Scientific studies have proven the more you have, the longer you live." ..thought that was pretty cute! Hopefully she'll like it..the ribbon on the spine was the most involved part, lol.

Morning Workout:
Treadmill - 1 mile, 20:02  minutes and burned  147 calories
Ab machine - 25x 5, 40lb
Hip abductor (in) - 25x2, 40 lbs
Hip abductor (out) - 25x2, 40lbs
Pull over - 25x2, 45 lbs
Lat zug - 25x2, 21kg
Elliptical -1 .25 miles, 15:36 minutes and burned 173 cal calories

Evening Workout:
Elliptical -1 mile, 12:18 minutes and burned 137 calories