Sunday, January 17, 2010

My bad.. I didn't blog yesterday. Truth be told, I had a pretty hectic by the time I got home, I really didn't have the energy to hit the keys on the laptop. Not to mention, I couldn't really focus on a single thought process.

Yesterday - Did a Pampered Chef cooking Show..went over really well :) Luckily it's a easy recipe, not to mention, delicious! I did the "Three Cheese Garden Pizza", which is nice on the calories as well since the majority of the gals that attended were on diets (including myself). Once the Show was over, I made my way back home and picked up my husband since we had a "date with the gym. We both put some mileage on the treadmill as well as ellipticals, so that was nice considering I wasnt able to hit the gym in the morning (woke up late). After that was all said and done, we "chilled" out in the sauna for a bit since I needed to get some lactic acid out of my legs. By the time we were showered up and got home, I was ready to crawl into bed and float off to dream land, lol.

Today - Eric and I went over to Schinnen to get our groceries considering it's "that time of the month" ...we're running low yet again on food (go figure, right?) and I needed to pick up more fruits & veggies.  I've been paying alot more attention to what we're spending our money on considering I don't want a ton of junk food in the house. I'll tell you what... it's not a very "rewarding" feeling when your bill comes out to $298 yet your cart really doesnt reflect that amount, lol. Eating healthy SO isn't cheap. GEEEZ...oh well... it's all about the effort, right? Just say "yes".

I managed to pick up some weight gloves considering I'm starting to get callouses on my hands. Not sexy in the slightest, so I figured it'd be be wise to finally get some. Totally worth $6 since now I don't have to worry about my paws getting all dried out and ugly from my circuit training. I ran upstairs in the BX to take a look at their fitness shoes since the ones I currently have are on their last leg (no cushion left & the arch support is dying).. they've lived a long life but it's time to retire them. SO, I look at the selection that they have to offer..which isn't very many. I think there was a total of 5 different running shoes to choose from...that's it. One of the shoes happen to be by Under Armor, who I totally adore. I own alot of their merchandise, especially socks (they don't retain moisture at all!).  They had a pair in size 9, but they fit rather snug, and sadly...they didn't have any size 10's in stock :(  Once we got home, I hopped online and checked out their website...AH HA! They have the exact pair! YIPPY! AND, in my size! DOUBLE YIPPY! Not only that, but I ended up getting them cheaper than what the BX was cool is that? Being the awesome husband that Eric is, he bought the shoes for me as an early Valentines gift considering he knows I really need 'em. Sure, I'd love jewelry and such, but honestly.. my arch support is more important right now :)

Here's my total stats for week 2 in the gym... I'll just post the cardio amount considering my weight lifting is changing alot:

Distance: 21 miles!!

Time: 4.5 hours
Calories Burned: 2,801

I'm starting to jog a lil bit on the treadmill since I wanna start training for a potential marathon. Barb asked me the other day if I'd be interesting in participating in it since the guys will be doing it in..hmmm..April? I think? I know it's around that time, just not sure on the exact date. Last year the guys had to wear hot pink shirts for the event, lol. I happened to be running errands that day when the roads were blocked temporarily for the guys to run through..pretty much, it looked like a stampede of energizer bunnies, lol. I'm pretty sure the shirts won't be hot pink this year...I'm the only one that'll wear the shirt since Eric thinks it was absolutely retarded for Air Force guys to wear, of all colors, hot pink. LOL


Niy said...

I love UA shoes! They have a pair of green ones that I would KILL for.

Erika said...

I think I saw the pair you were talking about (on their website). The shipping is SUPER cheap! I was shocked! It's only $3.99, but I found an online coupon for free shipping (every penny counts, right?) Our local BX that's 45 minutes away SUCKS when it comes to selection, so I'm SO happy to see that Under Armor not only has reasonable prices on their site, but they don't gouge people with the shipping costs either!