Friday, January 15, 2010


This week needs to be placed on a "Whack-A-Mole" kinda game..I just wanna hammer the shit out of "it" so it's all out of my system. I think I've had enough bullshit piled on me in the last two...almost three days that I've reached my maximum limit. I paid the Telenet bill...looks like I'm stuck with a lovely $1,226 bill from UMUC due to the awesome UMUC representative giving me incorrect information (thumbs up)'ve heard the phrase," No good deed goes unpunished"? Yup, go me! I helped out with a Scentsy order that I placed with my coworkers....since Scentsy doesnt send to APO's, I used my ship-it-apo account...I happened to get a confirmation from Ship-It-APO today to lemme know that the Scentsy stuff showed up and they forwarded it to me......for $35 per box. How many boxes, mind you? A lovely $105 worth of shipping charges. Yup...Yup......yup.... I give up. I freaking give up. I have a Pampered Chef show I'm doing tomorrow...I'm bracing for the worst to happen (just in case) so I won't be TOO shocked if things go to hell in a blaze of glory.

GOOD NEWS: I lost another 3 pounds. So, I've lost 6 pounds since the 4th of the month..not bad!

After everything that went on today.. it pretty much drained me mentally and even physically. Even my handy dandy multi-vitamins didn't counteract the bombardment of total crap... ughh... by the time I finally got out of work, it was 7ish in the evening, things were starting to get a lil fuzzy due to lack of food.  I REALLY wanted to go to the gym..but I knew I'd probably fall off of the elliptical since I'm rather "out of it". I'll just have to make it up tomorrow morning....

Today's Workout:
Elliptical - 1.5 miles, 18: 34 minutes and burned 205 calories

Ab machine - 25x 4, 50lb
Hip abductor (in) - 25x5, 40 lbs
Hip abductor (out) - 25x5, 40lbs
Pull over - 25x3, 45 lbs
Elliptical - 1 mile, 13: 24 minutes and burned 147 calories