Friday, January 8, 2010

Oh... my....

From the sounds of it, we're expecting a semi nasty snow storm to hit us later on today. BOO! Given, I love snow and all...but not when it hits on a well deserved weekend. PLUS, we need to go to The Netherlands to get some much needed groceries for this coming week. Yes, I have an Xterra and the snow shouldn't be an's the ice that I'm worried about. Despite having a large vehicle, it still slides like a elephant ballerina when I hit a small ice patch "just right".

Thankfully, Eric and I get to sleep in tomorrow! GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZ....We need it SO bad, lol. We've been routinely getting up at 5am all week so we can spend some time together in the morning before he sets out for work and I set off for the gym. By the time I get home from work (I go to the gym after work), it's normally around 7ish. On average, we get to MAYBE spend an hour and a half together before we crash out for the night. I swear, I feel like I'm an old fart since I've been going to bed at 8:30 all week. Between going to the gym two times a day, work, then working on the house.. I'm exausted! I really need to find time this weekend to work on my Aunts bday card and get that sent out! Aye aye aye...

I think Eric and I are gonna go to the gym tomorrow, ya know, whenever we wake up. I'll hammer out some cardio time, but no weights since I need to give my poor arms and legs a rest.  I'm pretty much wanting to work on getting my stamina up first, then start upping the resistance on the elliptical levels.


I weighed in today!!! Eric says I've lost 3lbs this week! I'M THRILLED! I've been doing great with my water, I've been good with my food (protiens and carbs) and I havent felt like I'm starving myself. AND, I've had a cookie here and there throughout the week ...mind you, they were healthy oatmeal cookies, so it was legit treats for myself. I don't know how much I weigh, but atleast I'm making some progress, phsyically and digitally :)
This morning:
Elliptical Total - (fat burn setting): 1.25 miles, 15: 52 minutes and burned 178 calories
Ab machine - 25x 5, 40lb
Hip abductor (in) - 25x4, 40 lbs
Hip abductor (out) - 25x4, 40lbs
Pull over - 25x3, 45 lbs
Chest press - machine is down
Lat zug - 25x3, 21kg
Elliptical - 1 mile, 13: 43 minutes and burned 146 calories

Elliptical - 1 mile, 13:39 minutes and burned 143 calories oh so awesome hats I ordered from Etsy came in. I'm TOTALLY inlove with my massive pom pom beanie!!
Incase you fall madly inlove with mine, you can go to and hit up "Yes Jess". She's the creator / seller of this beanie (she apparently makes 'em by hand, EXCELLENT quality). It may seem pricey, but honestly, I'd pay it. She knit the yarn really tight so it doesnt feel cheap..the pom is attatched to the beanie very nicely, and's a cute ass hat! I just got it in the mail this afternoon and I've already received alot of compliments :D


Unknown said...

Love love love the hat....must get one now.... so cute! As for your weather....barf with a pinch of's 74 here and it feels like spring....hopefully it will rain next week!

Erika said...

Yeah, and notice how incredibly pale I am, lmao. This country barely gets sunlight...seriously, whenever the sun DOES come out now, it REALLY hurts my eyes cause I'm not used to it!!

BelgiumBarb said...

Great job with the workouts! LOVE the new hat! You are going to have the best hat collection here before long. (Who am I kidding, you probably already do!) Keep up the good work at the gym, but don't overdo it and hurt yourself. When you get all "buff" ...they have a tanning salon in our town. You'll be stylin' by Spring!