Saturday, January 23, 2010

July 24, 2006

Apparently my family has come to the conclusion that I'm Goth. Why? Because I went to my Grammys house wearing a head band that had skulls on, Fender zip-up hoody & black capris pants. Keep in mind, the second I colored my hair black..they thought I hit some sort of depression & wanted attention. WTF? Just because my hair is black, doesnt mean I'm a Goth...or Emo. I think all of you know I have a wide variety of style when it comes to how I dress... I go from casual, to super girly, rocker.. punk.. you name it. I wear what I like, big deal.

I guess the world will be normal again if I had blonde hair & had a ruffle apron on. I'm starting to think my family doesn't care for my life style at all...more or less, I'm thinking they liked it better when I was extremely overweight & miserable. Now that I'm smaller & to fit into clothes I like & want to venture out and do more things with my life, they seem to object to anything & everything I chose to do. *SIGH*

It's a wonder why I don't really feel like sharing my experiences with my family.

I love the fact that whenever I go to my Grammys house, IF I'm wearing something that can be viewed as Gothic, I have to change into something more appropriate before I visit her. You'd think she would be happy to just see me...but I guess my clothes are more important.

I'm glad my family accepts me for me. *tisk*


Team Hayes said...

Precisely why I appreciate living across an ocean from my family, and only visiting them for two weeks, twice a year. I love them, but I think it is easier to love them with certain degree of separation. :)